Can be used to track visitors in real-time or to review stored traffic stats.
The plugin can show:
User Online
Today Visit
Yesterday visit
Week Visit
Month Visit
Years Visit
Total Visit
Search Engine reffered (Google, Yahoo, Bing)
User Online Live Premium Version
Total Visit Live Premium Version
Total Posts
Total Pages
Total Comments
Total Spams Need installed akismet plugin
Total Users
Last Post Date (English, Persian)
Average Posts
Average Comments
Average Users
Total Feedburner Subscribe
Google Pagerank
Alexa Pagerank
Use optimize from Database
Show Useronline and last visitor in setting page (ip, time, agent, reffered)
Supported WordPress shortcode for view function in post/page or widget(text)
Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
What is new in this release:
- Added:
- Date range selector for charts now supports arbitrary date ranges with JavaScript date selector.
- If the site is using the blogroll for the homepage, use the blog title as the page name instead of leaving it blank.
- Updated:
- How country codes are loaded for dashboard, widgets and pages.
- Fixed:
- Incorrect URL in the admin manual.
- WP_DEBUG warning if formatting was not specified in the short code.
What is new in version 9.3.1:
- Added:
- Date range selector for charts now supports arbitrary date ranges with JavaScript date selector.
- If the site is using the blogroll for the homepage, use the blog title as the page name instead of leaving it blank.
- Updated:
- How country codes are loaded for dashboard, widgets and pages.
- Fixed:
- Incorrect URL in the admin manual.
- WP_DEBUG warning if formatting was not specified in the short code.
What is new in version 9.2:
- Added:
- Date range selector for charts now supports arbitrary date ranges with JavaScript date selector.
- If the site is using the blogroll for the homepage, use the blog title as the page name instead of leaving it blank.
- Updated:
- How country codes are loaded for dashboard, widgets and pages.
- Fixed:
- Incorrect URL in the admin manual.
- WP_DEBUG warning if formatting was not specified in the short code.
What is new in version 9.1.2:
- Added:
- URL exclusions option.
- Swedish translation.
- Kurdish (Sorani) translation.
- Daily wp cron job to create an entry in the visits table for the next day to avoid a race condition.
- Updated:
- The visits code now uses a SQL UPDATE instead of WP's update() to avoid a race condition.
- Performance improvements in the last visitors page.
- Performance improvements in the referrers page.
- Added missing dash_icon call in online users page.
- Make sure the $wp_object global variable is an object before using it, just in case, in the hits code.
- Make sure the $wp_query global variable is an object before using it, just in case, in the hits code.
- Removed variables from i18n functions for better translation support.
- Removed requirement for date_default_timezone_set() which conflicted with some other plugins.
- Make sure to html encode data to be used in javascript to avoid single quotes as part of the translation breaking the javascript array.
- Change summary widget to be clearer about time frames.
- Replace deprecated preg_replace (with /e) with preg_replace_callback.
- Use full path to ensure the require_once finds the purge file in the scheduled DB maintenance script.
- Persian translation.
- Renamed pagination class to avoid name collisions with other plugins.
- Date display in recent visitors and search words now uses the WordPress date format setting.
- Upgrade email is now send at the end of the page load as wp_mail() hasn't been created during the upgrade script.
- Fixed:
- Export code to handle large tables.
- Exclusion display for some 'reasons' always being 0.
- Removed:
- Replaced use of global $table_prefix with $wpdb->prefix.
- Use of deprecated $blog_id.
What is new in version 8.8:
- Added:
- Installation/upgrades/removals on WordPress multi-sites now upgrade all sites in the network if the installing user has the appropriate rights.
- RSS feed URL's can now be excluded.
- Option to set the country code for private IP addresses.
- Fixed:
- Additional WP_DEBUG warning fixes.
- Incorrect parameter list in get_home_url() when checking for self referrals.
- Single quotes can now be used in the report content without being escaped.
- Referrers menu item was misspelled.
- Updated:
- Italian, French, Polish, Arabic, Persian and Chinese translation.
- Widget now formats numbers with international standards.
- Shortcodes now support three number formatting options; i18n, English or none.
- Removed old throttling code for hits which is no longer required.
- IP address exclusions without a subnet mask now assume a single IP address instead of all IP addresses.
What is new in version 8.7.2:
- Added:
- shareaholic-bot to robots list.
- Fixed:
- Robot threshold setting was not being saved.
- Updated:
- Italian translation.
- Arabic translation.
- Honey pot page title now includes "Pot" in it.
What is new in version 8.7.1:
- Fixed:
- Variable scope for the exclusion match/reason updated to protected from private to allow the GeoIP code to set them.
What is new in version 8.6.3:
- Fixed:
- Really fix included countries code this time.
- Typo in excluded hosts code.
What is new in version 8.5.1:
- Fixed:
- Typo in last search page causing fatal error in PHP.
What is new in version 8.4:
- Added:
- Dashboard widgets for all of the widgets on the overview page.
- Option to disable all dashboard widgets.
- Old dashboard widget upgraded with last 10 days of hits statistics.
- Online users page and time a user has been online.
- Fixed:
- Missing site_url on top 10 pages in the overview page.
- Incorrect url generated for Google map if dashboard was being forced in to https mode.
- Properly un-escape quotation marks in report body if magic quotes is enabled.
- URL referrer CSS style would 'push' other entires to the next line on small displays.
- Various PHP warnings on uninitalized variables.
What is new in version 8.1:
- Added:
- Detected browser information to the optimization page.
- Updated:
- Re-organized new browscap code to avoid PHP 5.2 or below throwing a parse error.
- Fixed:
- If the client sent no user agent string a fatal error would be generated, added additional logic to handle this case.
- Removed:
- Unused code in various log displays.
What is new in version 7.2:
- Added:
- Total visitors by country to the push pins on the overview map.
- Statistical reports can now be sent to a custom list of e-mail addresses instead of just the administrator.
- JQVMap option for the overview map.
- Fixed:
- Additional WP_DEBUG warnings cleaned up.
- Google map would sometimes only use part of the area to draw the map in the overview page.
- Updated:
- Statistical report schedules are now listed by occurrence instead of randomly.
- Vertical alignment of statistical report option label column now correct.
- Various grammatical updates.
- Overview map now limits the number of visitors to five per country.
What is new in version 6.0:
- Added:
- Admin manual, online viewing as well as downloadable version.
- Links for "Settings", "WordPress Plugin Page" and "Rate" pages to the plugin list for WP Statistics.
- Updated:
- General settings tab re-organization.
- Several typo's and other minor issues.
- Highcharts JS v3.0.9 to JS v4.0.1.
- Turkish (tr_TR) language.
- Persian (fa_IR) language.
- Removed:
- Shortcode and functions reference from readme.txt, now in admin manual.
What is new in version 5.4:
- Fixed:
- GeoIP dependency code to ignore safe mode check in PHP 5.4 or newer.
- GeoIP dependency code to properly detect safe mode with PHP 5.3 or older.
- Browser information not recorded if GeoIP was not enabled.
- Updated:
- get_IP code to better handle malformed IP addresses.
- Persian (fa_IR) language.
- Arabic (ar) language.
- Chinese (zh_CN) language.
What is new in version 5.1:
- Fixes:
- Small bug in referral URL.
- Problem export table.
- Updated:
- Arabic (ar) language.
What is new in version 4.4:
- Added:
- Schedule downloads of the GeoIP database.
- Auto populate missing GeoIP information after a download of the GeoIP database.
- Option to set the required capability level to view statistics in the admin interface.
- Option to set the required capability level to manage statistics in the admin interface.
- Fixed:
- 'See More' links on the overview page now update highlight the current page in the admin menu instead of the overview page.
What is new in version 4.3:
- Added:
- Definable robots list to exclude based upon the user agent string from the client.
- IP address and subnet exclusion support.
- Client IP and user agent information to the optimization page.
- Support to exclude users from data collection based on their WordPress role.
- Fixed:
- A bug when the GeoIP code was disabled with optimization page.
What is new in version 4.2:
- Added:
- Statistical menus.
- Fixed:
- Small bug in the geoip version.
- Language:
- Serbian (sr_RS) was updated.
- German (de_DE) was updated.
- French (fr_FR) was updated.
What is new in version 4.1:
- Language:
- Arabic (ar) was updated.
- Fixed:
- Small bug in moved the GeoIP database.
What is new in version 3.1.4:
- Added:
- Chart Type in the settings plugin.
- Search Engine referrer chart in the view stats page.
- Search Engine stats in Summary Statistics.
- Optimized:
- 'wp_statistics_searchengine()' and add second parameter in the function.
What is new in version 3.1.1:
- Optimized:
- Statistics screen in resolution 1024x768.
- Language:
- Persian was updated.
What is new in version 3.0.1:
- Fixed table plugin problem.
What is new in version 2.2.9:
- Added Bengali language.
What is new in version 2.2.8:
- Fix problem in count views.
- Added more filter for check spider.
- Optimize plugin.
What is new in version 2.2.7:
- Redundancy in Arabic translation.
- Fix problem in [countposts] shortcode.
- Optimized Style Reports.
What is new in version 2.2.0:
- Added Uninstall for remove data and table from database.
- Added all statistics item in widget and Their choice.
- Optimize show function code in setting page.
- Calling jQuery in wordpress admin for plugin.
- Remove the word "disabled" in the statistics When the plugin was disabled.
- Solving scroll problem in statistics page.
What is new in version 2.1.5:
- Added French language.
- Rounds a float Averages.
What is new in version 2.1.4:
- Added Romanian language.
What is new in version 2.0:
- Added Setting Page
- Addes decimals number
- Addes Online user check time
- Addes Database check time
- Added User Online
- Added Today Visit
- Added Yesterday Visit
- Added Week Visit
- Added Month Visit
- Added Years Visit
- Added Search Engine reffered
- Added Average Posts
- Added Average Comments
- Added Average Users
- Added Google Pagerank
- Added Alexa Pagerank
- Added WordPress shortcode
- Support from Database
- WordPress 3 or higher