ASUS A52F Azurewave Camera Driver for Windows 7 64-bit 5.8.54000.207 更新
主要特點: - 全全新英特爾酷睿處理器家族,增強多任務處理及移動計算性能 - 華碩與Power4Gear軟件自動調節風扇速度,安靜的計算 -...
主要特點: - 全全新英特爾酷睿處理器家族,增強多任務處理及移動計算性能 - 華碩與Power4Gear軟件自動調節風扇速度,安靜的計算 -...
主要特點: - 全全新英特爾酷睿處理器家族,增強多任務處理及移動計算性能 - 華碩與Power4Gear軟件自動調節風扇速度,安靜的計算 -...
Fixes:- Auto Flickerless 2 has been added to the AE mode in order to prioritize reducing flicker without making adjustments to the shutter speed even if footage is slightly overexposed.- A setting menu option that allows for the time check to be voided...
Fixes: - Auto Flickerless 2 has been added to the AE mode in order to prioritize reducing flicker without making adjustments to the shutter speed even if footage is slightly overexposed. - A setting menu option that allows for the time check to be voided...
Fixes: - Auto Flickerless 2 has been added to the AE mode in order to prioritize reducing flicker without making adjustments to the shutter speed even if footage is slightly overexposed. - A setting menu option that allows for the time check to be voided...
Fixes: - Auto Flickerless 2 has been added to the AE mode in order to prioritize reducing flicker without making adjustments to the shutter speed even if footage is slightly overexposed. - A setting menu option that allows for the time check to be voided...
更改: - 修正了一個導致興趣點(POI)的港,澳,台顯示不正確的問題。查看相機的固件版本: - 打開相機。 - 按下相機的MENU鍵顯示菜單。 - 按多重選擇器左側,以顯示菜單圖標,然後突出顯示設置,然後按確定。 - 突出顯示固件版本在設置菜單,然後按OK顯示相機的固件版本。 - 檢查相機的固件版本。 - 關閉相機。更新相機固件: - 保存下載的文件。 - 運行文件來提取固件到子文件夾中的新文件夾。 -...
Fixes: - A setting menu option that allows for the time check to be voided during the WS-Security authentication has been added. - After power has been lost while recording to the memory card, once power is restored, the system will now continue to record...