SCSS Tooltips

SCSS Tooltips 1.0.3 更新

SCSS Tooltips was created to show developers how useless and bulky JavaScript-based tooltip components have become.This small SCSS snippet provides a much lighter solution for showing any kind of hover-based tooltips without having to add extra hidden...


jQuery.textcomplete 0.8.1 更新

jQuery.textcomplete is very customizable and allows developers to create custom auto-completion systems. It allows them to setup a custom trigger mechanism, which can be any character and be used for suggesting smileys, tags, normal text, or even create a...


Handsontable 0.19.0 更新

It adds extra features in HTML tables for supporting native Excel-like functionality. Demos are included with the download package.What is new in this release:Major changes: Changed behaviour of keyboard navigation inside a cell editor - now pressing the...

WebUI Popover

WebUI Popover 1.1.7 更新

WebUI Popover is for showing popovers, UI elements that are practically like tooltips, but enhanced with extra features like the ability to show a header (title), show a close button, trigger on click or hover, support custom positioning, auto-adapt to...


Kalendae 0.5.5 更新

Can be used to select dates, date ranges and multiple selective dates. A demo is included with the download package.What is new in this release:New features: Fire DOM change when choosing date Remove container on input destroy Support for week select What...

Slider for Bootstrap

Slider for Bootstrap 5.2.6 更新

Slider for Bootstrap was inspired by Stefan Petre's component of the same name, but enhanced with Bootstrap 3.x support. As with the original, this component takes regular number input fields and converts them into a vertical or horizontal line, with a...


StickyTableHeaders 0.1.19 更新

StickyTableHeaders can be incredibly useful when having to deal with very large HTML tables.In case you have hundreds or thousands of rows and both you and your users are easily loosing track of what each data column portrays while scrolling down the...

jQuery Timepicker Addon allows users to easily enter a time value using horizontal sliders in jQuery UI's date selection widget.Because it's integrated with jQuery UI, the plugin can be used almost anywhere, either with the standard calendar drop-down or...

Bootstrap Checkbox X

Bootstrap Checkbox X 1.5.4 更新

Besides the basic options to let developers easily customize the checkbox interface and create better looking UI controls compared to the default browser styles, Bootstrap Checkbox X is also important because it adds support for a few extra features as...

Bootstrap Colorpicker

Bootstrap Colorpicker 2.3.0 更新

引導取色是一個jQuery插件,增加了一個顏色選擇器模塊的引導用戶界面框架。該插件是基於斯特凡Petre的的取色為引導插件和工作在許多方面是相同的。正是在這兩個彈出式和內嵌模式可供選擇,支持簡單的顏色光譜的調整,甚至是Alpha透明度水平的變化在哪裡的話。顏色選擇器的格式是完全可調,讓開發人員同時更改顏色光譜和滑塊的位置,同時,也讓開發商改變了顏色選擇器可以被觸發,以及如何排隊旁邊的觸發因素。引導色器可以用下面的色域工作: - 十六進制 - RGB - 的RGBA - HSL - ...