Vanilla Forum

Vanilla Forum 2.2 更新

Vanilla Forum is a powerful community publishing platform, and it comes with a great set of features designed to make the experience and the community experience easy and as pleasant and appealing as possible. During the last few years, the Vanilla...

要嵌入和相互交織的兩個系統,只要加入論壇的網址在WP後台。安裝方式:打開包裝,並把它上傳到/可濕性粉劑內容/插件/目錄。通過WordPress的的“插件”菜單激活插件。獨立香草論壇腳本可以從Softoware下載的這裡 特點: 邊欄小工具在談到系統集成在非常容易集成腳本在登錄與論壇憑證 要求: ...