第四日是一個天文時鐘,年曆為Windows 95或更高版本。精確的3D地球與地球的晝夜方表示,隨著約日出而設,民間黃昏,月相盈虧等多個選項允許定制全球,包括設置你家的位置的時間的信息。使用NTP在互聯網上與美國海軍天文台同步時間。包括屏幕保護程序模塊 要求: 在Windows 95/98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP 限制: ...
暈船軟件的元素週期表版本的元素。 1.2.1是週期表的第一個高度圖形版本。完整版本的程序是很容易瀏覽,並提供搜索功能,打印單元的具體數據以及打印週期表的能力的能力(使得它非常適合報告和論文!),也有高分辨率每個元素的原子結構的圖形模型(也可打印!)。 要求: 在Windows 95/98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP 限制: ...
The Field Tools Package contains our best dot net geology field tools for Windows. Three tools have been combined into one application: 1. Contour3DMS, Contouring and Mapping in 2D and 3D. 2. CrossSectionMS, Cross Section plotting application. 3....
The Kintecus simulation software has been cited in many peer reviewed journals: J. Phys. Chem.A, PCCP, J. Biol. Chem., Plas. Chem. Plas. Proc., Int. J. Chem. React. Tech, Arch. Bio. Chem. Bio. Phys., THEOCHEM, etc. It is an Industrial Strength/Research...
Software for optical spectroscopy. Easy to use, fast and reliable. Viewing optical spectra (UV/VIS, IR, NIR, Raman, fluorescence) from different sources. Supported data formats include ASCII, JCAMP-DX, THERMO Galactic GRAMS SPC, Perkin Elmer, Varian Cary...