This is a complete of budget software. This software is not a bank account manager. It simply allows you to manage your budget. You specify your resources, your expenses and the computer calculates the balance. You can perform automatic operations (called...
Keeping up with important stock market information is easier than ever with Stock Ticker 7. The latest version of this robust program is jam-packed with exciting new features that allow you to stay on top of your investments without clicking over to a...
Scan all your paper receipts, documents and business cards to easily create a digital record and reduce your need for paper. Safely store and effectively organize your new digital records using Collections or Smart Collections - you can even add details,...
如何擺脫債務今天從頭開始。非常強大和易於使用。只需填寫的空白,並按下一個按鈕。該工具考慮了所有的周邊的債務,利率,當前支付和未清餘額的詳細信息。該方案快速,輕鬆地把它全部變成了一個月按一個月的詳細消除債務的計劃。你會知道什麼時候你可以有無債務方。 。沒有財務專業知識是必需的 4.0版可能包括未指定的更新,改進或缺陷修復 要求: 窗口95/98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP 限制:...