To work, the plugin needs an archive file generated by the WOW Slider desktop app. To embed the uploaded gallery, the plugin will provide an automatically-generated shortcode to use. Installation: Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/...

Corner Ad

Corner Ad 1.0.5

角廣告實施了著名的“剝離查看”廣告系統。該系統顯示的小圖像從網頁的角落,它擴展當鼠標懸停在它被發現。 安裝: 解壓縮,並把它上傳到/可濕性粉劑內容/插件/目錄。通過WordPress中的“插件”菜單激活插件 功能: ...

LoginRadius Plugin For Drupal

LoginRadius Plugin For Drupal 7.x-5.0 / 6.x-4.8 更新

The plugin allows blog/site owners to have a user login/register system based on social IDs provided by other services. Installation: Login the Drupal administration panel. Go to Modules section. Upload the module or copy&paste the module download...


Pathauto 7.x-1.3 / 6.x-2.1 / 5.x-2.3 / 8.x-1.x-dev 更新

Implementations are provided for core content types: nodes, taxonomy terms, and users (including blogs and tracker pages).Pathauto also provides a way to delete large numbers of aliases.This feature is available at Administer > Site building >...


WP-UserOnline 2.86 更新

WP-UserOnline is made up of two widgets. One for the site's active sidebars, and a second for the WordPress admin panel dashboard. The frontend widget will display the total amount of people currently on the site, while the dashboard widget is a...

Mass Contact

Mass Contact 7.x-1.1 / 6.x-1.6 / 5.x-2.7

質量聯繫建議Drupal的網站有龐大的用戶群,那裡的管理員沒有足夠的時間來發送簡訊,需要把這個任務外包給版主或其他普通用戶 該模塊基本上是像老IM短信群發功能,只為Drupal網站。 安裝: 登錄Drupal的管理面板。轉到模塊部分。上傳模塊或複製和粘貼模塊的下載網址。查找和安裝在模塊列表之後激活模塊 功能: 發送郵件按用戶角色隱藏收件人的電子郵件發送郵件以純文本或HTML...

TinyMCE Templates

TinyMCE Templates 4.4.0 更新

TinyMCE Templates is useful in cases where the text of a page or post needs to be repeated over and over again. It allows editors to put that text into separate templates which can be called upon at any time and inserted into any post or...

Content Warning

Content Warning 3.6.5 更新

By default, every time a user accesses the site, a modal window displays a warning message about the type of content he will be viewing inside. Can be used to present any kind of warning, or any kind of message. Pressing "Agree" will allow him accoss to...

jQuery的樣式表​​可以過濾樣式表,與供應商的前綴,工作負載和卸載方式,等等。 jQuery的樣式表​​是非常輕巧的體積和強大的CSS操縱系統中使用時是比較有用,可提供額外的方法和jQuery的便攜性。 什麼是新的在此版本中: 在使用CSSStyleRule物體$ .animate()增加了實驗的支持 什麼版本0.1.1的新: ...

RS FeedBurner

RS FeedBurner 1.5.2 更新

FeedBurner is a Web service for managing and tracking syndication feeds. Since the built-in WordPress RSS feeds don't provide any exhaustive statistics about their usage, a service like FeedBurner can come really in hand. RS FeedBurner allows a...