Shadow Analyzer

Shadow Analyzer 2.2.1 更新

Shadow Analyzer is an advanced parametric CAD tool for professionals in the area of Solar Energy Engineering and Architecture. It is an ideal tool for the analysis of the shadow effects of any new projects or in the case of in-place installation of solar...

Glovius (64-bit)

Glovius (64-bit)

Glovius是一個現代化的3D CAD查看器CATIA,NX,STEP,IGES,克里奧和Pro / ENGINEER,JT時,SolidWorks,Inventor和Solid Edge的文件和30多個其他CAD格式。 以精確的測量,切割動態部分,比較車型之間的差異,審核修改。查看和搜索屬性。查看,搜索和過濾PMI。查看模型視圖和捕獲。隱藏/顯示和搜索組件。播放動畫。 導出到Glovius移動和在旅途中展示您的設計。導出為3D...

GstarCAD機械2015設計/製圖軟件涵蓋了機械設計的各個領域。它提供符合不同國家標準的最新標準件庫,符號和標註工具,是與AutoCAD機械製圖兼容。標準化和智能化的機械設計,大大提高了效率,並有助於完整準確的產品理念。 1 GstarCAD平台的所有功能。 2.全面的尺寸和註釋工具。 3.自動生成的表一樣,零件清單和BOM數據管理。 4.兼容大多數CAD軟件的圖紙信息。 5.參數化模型庫。 6.全面的PLM數據接口。...



FontBase 0.1.1

隨著FontBase您可以輕鬆地創建和管理的集合,更改字體樣式,立即在Photoshop中使用的字體樣式,比較字體,使用實時搜索和實時文本預覽。 FontBase有一個美麗的界面和快速字體加載和顯示速度。它還支持自動更新,容易記憶的快捷鍵。...


Grabilla 1.25 更新

How to take screenshot and upload and share with friends with one click? How to create video with your screen actions and share it? You don't have to use overpriced and complicated software, just run this simplest windows program to take a screenshot or...

Disketch Plus Edition

Disketch Plus Edition 3.39 更新

Disketch Professional Disc Label Software is a CD and DVD disc labeling software for Windows. It allows you to create CD and DVD disc labels as well as cover images for CD and DVD jewel cases. You can import your own art work, or set a simple background...

Easily Draw and Create Graphic Images. DrawPad is an easy-to-use image composition and manipulation program, and an essential tool for all types of graphic design projects, including: Creating banner ads or invitations, Make sketches and paintings on your...