受著名日本遊戲的啟發,這款數獨遊戲必須充滿色彩而不是數字。 Color Sudoku會顯示您在常規編號遊戲中不容易找到的圖案和邏輯。試一試,你會看到。如果您是4x4網格的起步者。很快你就會發現為什麼數獨遊戲如此令人上癮,並且你將準備通過9x9網格移動到更高一級。連續的難度範圍提供了更多的控制你想要的水平。...
The classic Chess game with gorgeous graphics, online gaming and intuitive interface. Beautiful handcrafted board and pieces are showcased in a 3D view with rotation and zoom. Easy to play but very hard to master. Now you can test your playing skills...
Radically easier to play, innovative implementation of the Dominoes game for your computer. In Dominoes the player who places all tiles on the table first is the one who wins. Amazing Online Game Mode to enjoy hours of fun with connencted players around...