
Graffiti 1.1.2 更新

Email signatures are a very effective way of making your email messages look more professional, more personal or simply more beautiful. With Graffiti it becomes easier than ever before to design wonderful email signatures without being a webdesign...


Face2Face 1.4.2 更新

Apple's Mail normally uses your personal address book as its source for images, which are shown for emails from the corresponding people. Face2Face is a plugin for Mail, which adds new sources for people's faces based on their Google+ account, their...

Outlook Email Archive X can archive your emails in six different ways with further sub-options. One of the features of OEAX is to archive emails as native Outlook file format. The files with .eml extensions give you the possibility to restore one email or...


ForgetMeNot 1.4.3 更新

Millions of emails are sent every single day and in many cases they do not only contain text. Email attachments extend conventional text emails by images, music, documents and even videos. Typically people compose their email text and add their file...

恆星PST到MBOX轉換器是所有的Mac用戶誰正在尋找辦法,使從Microsoft Outlook飛躍,蘋果郵件了急需的工具。該工具需要一個非常系統的方法在其工作,因為你沒有太多的軟件窗口之間徘徊,以達到最終的結果。所有的郵件組件,如“郵件主體”,“主題”,“附件”,“到”,“從”,“抄送”和“密送”是完全轉化為相應的蘋果郵件 - MBOX文件格式。你只需要導入此文件到Apple...


UniMailer 3.0 更新

UniMailer是理想的伴侶的電子郵件功能的新產品和服務給客戶,交付和管理通訊,或者乾脆住在與家人​​和朋友保持聯繫。 UniMailer將管理各種用戶群,添加自己的參數,使用存儲在內部數據庫中每個個性化郵件,添加各種附件使進程更輕鬆。 UniMailer適用於純文本或HTML文本。 功能列表: - 內置SMTP,內置DNS, - 內部數據庫存儲(添加/刪除/搜索), - 從Excel, -...


SignatureProfiler 1.9.8 更新

SignatureProfiler是增強了簽名功能,給你更好地控制你的郵件怎麼看,特別是如果你使用多個電子郵件帳戶或多個電子郵件地址為同一帳戶郵件插件。重複使用相同的簽名多個帳戶,而更換電子郵件地址。創建一個共同的一部分,始終在一個賬戶的簽名。自動加入iTunes的信息,在你的簽名 是什麼在此版本中是新的: ...

Email Extractor

Email Extractor 6.5 更新

電子郵件提取的Mac OS X是一個方便的工具從文件中提取電子郵件地址,你的電腦,快速準確。它檢索所有有效的電子郵件地址,自動刪除重複項,並智能地起飛虛假的電子郵件地址。它支持蘋果的郵件,Mac的Outlook,蘋果的頁面,微軟的Word,Excel,PDF。使用方便:簡單的丟棄和刪除文件和文件夾到程序窗口,然後點擊按鈕“提取電子郵件地址” 支持的文件格式和軟件:蘋果郵件(提取蘋果的郵件文件夾的電子郵件地址), Microsoft...