新 教育和科學軟件 為 Windows Vista
The Field Tools Package contains our best dot net geology field tools for Windows. Three tools have been combined into one application: 1. Contour3DMS, Contouring and Mapping in 2D and 3D. 2. CrossSectionMS, Cross Section plotting application. 3....
Tamil Bible software helps to read the Bible in Tamil. Read and have a blessed time.
If you can't view in tamil fonts (typically in windows XP) you have to make sure that you go to control panel and click on the "Regional language Options". Go to...
Fitness Assistant helps you manage and improve all aspects of diet, health and fitness. Set weight goals and get accurate calorie daily targets. Get motivation by hitting your daily diet goals. Track diet, fitness and exercise. Get accurate calorie...
Fitness Assistant is a smart software solution for counting calories, managing bodyweight and tracking exercise. The software features a smart calorie monitoring system that significantly boosts your chances of reaching your target weight on the target...
設計行星齒輪組。用戶可以配置模塊,壓力角和齒輪數。齒輪的比率也被計算,並提供給用戶。動畫將幫助用戶了解如何以及齒輪訂婚。高級功能將允許用戶更改增編和齒根,以及在篩因素,也是螺旋信息還提供給用戶,以幫助設計 要求 < P>...
The Kintecus simulation software has been cited in many peer reviewed journals: J. Phys. Chem.A, PCCP, J. Biol. Chem., Plas. Chem. Plas. Proc., Int. J. Chem. React. Tech, Arch. Bio. Chem. Bio. Phys., THEOCHEM, etc. It is an Industrial Strength/Research...
Welcome to HappyPinyin (Learn Chinese "Hanyu Pinyin", language learning tool).
It is a current most comprehensive and complete Chinese "Hanyu Pinyin" learning tool. It is also a introductory and advanced tool.
Under normal circumstances, people like...
本聖經軟件包含七個版本的英文聖經融入其中。他們是國王詹姆斯版本,新國際版,新國際讀者版,今天的新國際版,新美國標準聖經,新生活翻譯和思。這七個版本的聖經都以HTML格式。您可以收聽到相應的MP3音頻文件,當你閱讀聖經的每一章。該軟件自帶的搜索功能。通過該計劃,你可以搜索7版本的聖經經文輕鬆的。搜索詞的搜索結果突出顯示。此外,這本聖經軟件支持經文的7譯本的比較。由於版權問題,只提供對應於每個書的第一章的MP3文件,為你的測試和驗證 是什麼在此版本中是新的: ...
Would you like to learn Japanese? Here's a nice opportunity.For quite some time, we have been building a computer program series that teaches Japanese and English. The object of the series is to help people to learn at their own pace. The program series,...