它支持AVCHD(M2TS,TS)(包括AVCHD解碼器),F4V(Flash Player的9.5)(包括F4V解碼器),FLV(包括FLV解碼器),Flash文件(SWF文件),VOB,MPEG2(包括MPEG2,VOB解碼器),AMR,MOV,M4A,M4V,MP4與AAC音頻,3GP與AMR音頻,AVI,WMV(視窗媒體視頻),ASF,RM(需要RM解碼器),MPEG-1,DAT,ASF,WAV,MP3,...



CAD.OCX是一個用Visual Basic 6.0編寫的ActiveX控件,用於在AutoCAD中進行操作,如繪製線條,圓形,弧形,矩形,3D球體和3D錐體。程序還可以計算線的長度或中點,計算弧的中點,將弧度轉換為度,反之亦然,將字符發送到AutoCAD命令提示符,將單行和多行文本添加到圖形中,添加新的圖層,計算線的斜率和角度,並切換到模型和圖紙空間。 ...

該應用程序提供了易於使用的界面,用於創建和保存的素不相識的人與企業名稱的列表。非常適合用於測試,培訓和開發數據庫表遮蔽與真實的隨機值數據。支持導出隨機數據列表,以各種各樣的外部關係和非關係數據格式。 輸出格式包括:台式機和服務器關係型數據庫中,SQL Server CE數據庫,MS Access文件,MS Excel文件,文本文件,MS...

Comm Operator

Comm Operator 更新

Comm Operator is a professional communication software for Serial Port, TCP/IP, UDP, I2C, HTTP, and FTDI. It will boost the speed to design, development, debug and test hardware-software applications, client-server applications, as well as internet...

在.NET防反編譯器是.NET程序集的保護工具。它提供了安全和法規遵從的一個額外的層從逆向工程.NET應用程序。淨防反編譯有助於未能類瀏覽器的工具,以反映你的源代碼。 .NET程序集文件.exe和.dll可以使用此軟件來保護 限制:...

SQLPRep Lite

SQLPRep Lite 1.01 更新

SQLPRep 2015 aka SQL Performance Report is our newest software product that takes any TSQL and produces a concise, readable, highlighted performance report allowing you to greatly reduce your time spent in developing, debugging, optimising, testing and...


NeuroSolutions (32-bit)

NeuroSolutions (32-bit) 更新

This installation program includes evaluation versions of three products for neural network design and development: NeuroSolutions, NeuroSolutions for Excel and the Custom Solution Wizard. NeuroSolutions is a highly graphical neural network development...

NeuroSolutions (64-bit)

NeuroSolutions (64-bit) 更新

This installation program includes evaluation versions of three products for neural network design and development: NeuroSolutions, NeuroSolutions for Excel and the Custom Solution Wizard. NeuroSolutions is a highly graphical neural network development...