
CamBlocker 更新

Is someone spying on you through your web camera or microphone? CamBlocker enables you to block all your web cameras and microphones, when you don't need them, and protect yourself from being spied on. The program stays out of way in system tray area,...

G-Lock EasyMail7

G-Lock EasyMail7 7.9 更新

G-Lock EasyMail7 is a hybrid e-mail marketing solution for Windows that works as a powerful front-end to e-mail delivery services, SMTP relays and on-premise e-mail solutions and transforms them into fully functional in-house e-mail service providers with...


ECTcamera 2.28.2 更新

ECTcamera (EyeComTec-Camera) is a tool that lets your camera be fully utilized to its full potential. It is completely portable and can be run off of any portable storage device. All files will be saved to that storage device. ECTcamera can work alongside...


AutomaticMail 更新

Automatic Mail is an e-mail client that can be used in a batch mode. The software is very convenient for mass mailing, as it can get data from tables. It can send entirely personal messages to receivers, adding receiver's name, city, company name. As a...

S!mpL3 LAN Messenger

S!mpL3 LAN Messenger 更新

s!mpL3 LAN Messenger is an application designed to be simple and easy to use while not lacking useful features and functionality. Keeping simplicity in mind, the application requires no complex installation procedure, just a few steps to follow the first...


DetachPipe for Outlook makes Microsoft Outlook faster, more stable and backup with DetachPipe, the e-mail attachment processor. DetachPipe detaches e-mail attachments, leaving a clickable hyperlink in place. You can specify a detach filename manually, or...

Shark Messenger

Shark Messenger 更新

Start a free Video Chat Rooms Meet Friends, Voice & Video Chat, Instant Chat & Call, Private Rooms, Free Chat Rooms & Mobile App Development with Shark Messenger Shark Messenger Chat Messnger Free chat Groups Free nick name Voice & Video...


SYSTOOLS的Lotus Notes的PDF轉換遷移所有的電子郵件從NSF文件到PDF文檔。該工具將所有包括收件箱,已發送的郵件的文件夾,刪除的郵件文件夾中的郵件。該轉換器掃描和預覽從Lotus Notes NSF文件內容。這可以幫助用戶查看和分析電子郵件和相關附件。該工具出口SF電子郵件,搜索的PDF文檔。數的文件或文件的大小不限制變換器的tool.Both IBM的註釋和Acrobat讀者必須安裝在該系統的能力來進行的轉換過程。轉換始終保留郵件,包括時間,日期,對所有元屬性,請從。...

MailList Controller is an e-mail mailing list and marketing solution designed to send out personalized messages, manage multiple mailing lists, newsletters, campaigns, e-zines, announcements, support, and group mails. The program runs on your desktop,...