TeamSpeak is a voice chat cross-platform software that allows people to speak with each other via the Internet.
What is new in this release:
- Switched to a new documentation engine: doxygen
- Added clientAvatar function
- Added example for clientList with avatar
- Changed ftGetFileInfo, the function will now just accept one file instead of unlimited
- Fixed bug in serverCreate
- Fixed bug in logView
What is new in version
- Fixed missing parameter in permission array in clientAddPerm
- Fixed bug in channelClientDelPerm
- Fixed bug in channelGroupDelPerm
- Updated clientList documentation
- Updated channelInfo documentation
What is new in version
- Changed documentation of sendMessage.
- Fixed conversion error in tokenAdd function.
- Fixed misnamed parameter in channelGroupAddPerm function.
What is new in version
- Fixed a bug in permOverview that permid can be used with permid = 0.
What is new in version 0.6.6:
- Fixed parameter names of channelgroupclientlist().
What is new in version 0.6.5:
- Added function serverTemppasswordAdd
- Added function serverTemppasswordDel
- Added function serverTemppasswordList
- Added new example to view the return value of a command
- Fixed misbehavior in all examples
What is new in version 0.6.4:
- Adjust code of logView to be compatible with v3.0.1.