redis (Python)

redis (Python)
版本: 2.10.5 更新
上傳日期: 10 Dec 15
開發: Andy McCurdy
許可: 免費
人氣: 134

Rating: 5.0/5 (Total Votes: 1)

This Python library follows the Redis versioning system.

So the v2.2.2 should work with the Redis v2.2.2 data store.

What is new in this release:

  • Performance improvement for packing commands when using the PythonParser.
  • Executing an empty pipeline transaction no longer sends MULTI/EXEC to the server.
  • Errors when authenticating (incorrect password) and selecting a database now close the socket.
  • Full Sentinel support.
  • Better repr support for client and connection pool instances.
  • Error messages that the server sends to the client are now included in the client error message.
  • Added the SCAN, SSCAN, HSCAN, and ZSCAN commands.
  • ResponseErrors generated by pipeline execution provide addition context including the position of the command in the pipeline and the actual command text generated the error.

What is new in version 2.10.3:

  • Performance improvement for packing commands when using the PythonParser.
  • Executing an empty pipeline transaction no longer sends MULTI/EXEC to the server.
  • Errors when authenticating (incorrect password) and selecting a database now close the socket.
  • Full Sentinel support.
  • Better repr support for client and connection pool instances.
  • Error messages that the server sends to the client are now included in the client error message.
  • Added the SCAN, SSCAN, HSCAN, and ZSCAN commands.
  • ResponseErrors generated by pipeline execution provide addition context including the position of the command in the pipeline and the actual command text generated the error.

What is new in version 2.7.4:

  • Added missing INCRBY method.
  • SET now accepts the EX, PX, NX and XX options from Redis 2.6.12.

What is new in version 2.6.2:

  • `from_url` is now available as a classmethod on client classes.
  • Fixed several encoding errors resulting from the Python 3.x support.

What is new in version 2.6.0:

  • Added support for GETRANGE.
  • A new setting "decode_responses" specifies whether return values from Redis commands get decoded automatically using the client's charset value.

What is new in version 2.4.11:

  • AuthenticationError will now be correctly raised if an invalid password is supplied.
  • If Hiredis is unavailable, the HiredisParser will raise a RedisError if selected manually.
  • Made the INFO command more tolerant of Redis changes formatting.

What is new in version 2.4.10:

  • Added the OBJECT and DEBUG OBJECT commands.
  • Added __del__ methods for classes that hold on to resources that need to be cleaned up. This should prevent resource leakage when these objects leave scope due to misuse or unhandled exceptions.
  • Added the ECHO command for completeness.
  • Fixed a bug where attempting to subscribe to a PubSub channel of a Redis server that's down would blow out the stack.
  • StrictRedis's TTL command now returns a -1 when querying a key with no expiration. The Redis class continues to return None.
  • ZADD and SADD now return integer values indicating the number of items added.

What is new in version 2.4.7:

  • Fixed a bug where some connections were not getting released back to the connection pool after pipeline execution.
  • Pipelines can now be used as context managers. This is the preferred way of use to ensure that connections get cleaned up properly.
  • Added a convenience method called transaction() on the base Redis class. This method eliminates much of the boilerplate used when using pipelines to watch Redis keys. See the documentation for details on usage.

What is new in version 2.4.6:

  • Variadic arguments for SADD, SREM, ZREN, HDEL, LPUSH, and RPUSH.
  • (CRITICAL) Fixed an error in the Hiredis parser that occasionally caused the socket connection to become corrupted and unusable. This became once connection pools started to be used.
  • ZRANGE, ZREVRANGE, ZRANGEBYSCORE, and ZREVRANGEBYSCORE now take an additional optional argument, score_cast_func, which is a callable used to cast the score value in the return type. The default is float.
  • Removed the PUBLISH method from the PubSub class. Connections that are [P]SUBSCRIBEd cannot issue PUBLISH commands, so it doesn't make sense to have it here.
  • Pipelines now contain WATCH and UNWATCH. Calling WATCH or UNWATCH from the base client class will result in a deprecation warning. After WATCHing one or more keys, the pipeline will be placed in immediate execution mode until UNWATCH or MULTI are called. Refer to the new pipeline docs in the README for more information.

What is new in version 2.4.5:

  • The PythonParser now works better when reading zero length strings.



13 Apr 15


10 Dec 15


12 May 15


13 May 15

意見 redis (Python)
