PhotoSwipe changed authors starting with version 4.x and is now in the watchful eye of Dmitry Semenov a famous developer known for many other beautiful UI components like RoyalSlider and Magnific Popup.
What initially started as a project trying to replicate the native iPhone image viewer via JavaScript has evolved into a very powerful cross-browser and cross-device supported photo gallery and modal-based image viewer, specifically optimized for usage on mobiles and responsive layouts.
As you expect there's support for touch gestures, but also some non-standard features like social media sharing controls and even an option to easily download the original image file.
You'll also find classic options to show captions alongside images, next/prev buttons, a basic pager, and a fullscreen mode.
Images can be made to fit inside the user's viewport or they can alternatively be showed at their proper resolution and aspect ratio.
If you'd like to show HTML inside PhotoSwipe's modals, that's possible too.
Lots of demos and all the documentation you'll need are included with the download package.
What is new in this release:
- Added `mainScrollAnimStart" event.
- Fixed:
- Incorrect zoom pan position in fullscreen when page was scrolled.
- Fullscreen icon is not updating when changing fullscreen state.
- Orientation change breaks layout if there are 2 slides.
- Error when image finished loading (can appear only when low number of items and when rapidly switching slides).
- Issue with RTL layouts.
- Error appears when captionEl:false.
- closeOnScroll is now triggered only by mousewheel events and only in browsers that support transform. As various browsers trigger scroll event unpredictably (during page load, when bars appear, etc.).
- In desktop Safari PhotoSwipe that opens on page load can close (caused by above issue).
What is new in version 4.0.8:
- Added `mainScrollAnimStart" event.
- Fixed:
- Incorrect zoom pan position in fullscreen when page was scrolled.
- Fullscreen icon is not updating when changing fullscreen state.
- Orientation change breaks layout if there are 2 slides.
- Error when image finished loading (can appear only when low number of items and when rapidly switching slides).
- Issue with RTL layouts.
- Error appears when captionEl:false.
- closeOnScroll is now triggered only by mousewheel events and only in browsers that support transform. As various browsers trigger scroll event unpredictably (during page load, when bars appear, etc.).
- In desktop Safari PhotoSwipe that opens on page load can close (caused by above issue).
What is new in version 4.0.7:
- Added `mainScrollAnimStart" event.
- Fixed:
- Incorrect zoom pan position in fullscreen when page was scrolled.
- Fullscreen icon is not updating when changing fullscreen state.
- Orientation change breaks layout if there are 2 slides.
- Error when image finished loading (can appear only when low number of items and when rapidly switching slides).
- Issue with RTL layouts.
- Error appears when captionEl:false.
- closeOnScroll is now triggered only by mousewheel events and only in browsers that support transform. As various browsers trigger scroll event unpredictably (during page load, when bars appear, etc.).
- In desktop Safari PhotoSwipe that opens on page load can close (caused by above issue).
What is new in version 4.0.6:
- Added `mainScrollAnimStart" event.
- Fixed:
- Incorrect zoom pan position in fullscreen when page was scrolled.
- Fullscreen icon is not updating when changing fullscreen state.
- Orientation change breaks layout if there are 2 slides.
- Error when image finished loading (can appear only when low number of items and when rapidly switching slides).
- Issue with RTL layouts.
- Error appears when captionEl:false.
- closeOnScroll is now triggered only by mousewheel events and only in browsers that support transform. As various browsers trigger scroll event unpredictably (during page load, when bars appear, etc.).
- In desktop Safari PhotoSwipe that opens on page load can close (caused by above issue).
What is new in version 4.0.0:
- Added bower.json file.
What is new in version 3.0.4:
- Fixed issue with toolbar buttons when a gallery has less than 3 images.
What is new in version 3.0.3:
- Added new example - 14-tap-image-go-to-url.html.
- Ensured that only iOS captures gesture events.
What is new in version 3.0.0:
- Multi-line captions when caption bar placed at the bottom should now be fixed.
- Fixed issue where toolbar and caption remained visible when zooming in and captionAndToolbarAutoHideDelay = 0.
- Upgraded to jQuery Mobile 1.0 RC2
- Upgraded Code.Util to 1.0.6
What is new in version 2.1.1:
- Upgraded libraries tp jQuery 1.6.3, jQueryMobile 1.0b3, Code.Util 1.0.3
- Two new examples: '10-image-meta-data.html' and '11-custom-captions.html'
- Fixed issue when hitting the back button or escape key when zoomed in
- Fixed issue 112 & 79 relating to images not showing
- Fixed bug when closing PhotoSwipe when user has zoomed in on image
- Added new events: onBeforeZoomPanRotateShow, onZoomPanRotateShow, onBeforeZoomPanRotateHide, onZoomPanRotateHide, onZoomPanRotateTransform
- Better handling when images are not found
What is new in version 2.0.0:
- Being able to drag and "snap" into place the next and previous image rather than just swiping.
- Group sets of images on a page and run them within their own instance of PhotoSwipe.
- Configurable margin between images.
- Provide your own HTML for the toolbar.
- Next and previous buttons go to the image directly by default (no animation).This is exactly like iOS. It is of course configurable.
- Basic mouse wheel support for moving between the next and previous images.
- Play slide show with the "enter" key.
- Auto start in slideshow mode.
What is new in version 1.0.19:
- Fixed issue with Util.DOM.removeClass.
- Typo in events.html corrected.
- Added hi-res css dedection like how jQuery Mobile does it.
What is new in version 1.0.18:
- Now sized correctly if your HTML body has padding on it
- Fixed issued with jQuery and listening to PhotoSwipe events - was throwing up a "too much recursion" error
- Have had to change the way you listen to events. Use "Code.PhotoSwipe.Current.addEventHandler" not Code.PhotoSwipe.Current.addEventListener. This is related to the above fix
- Upgraded to jQuery 1.6.2
- Upgraded to jQuery Animate Enhanced v0.76
What is new in version 1.0.17:
- Fixed issues with "events.html" example.
What is new in version 1.0.15:
- Fixed issues with new event handler. Keyboard control should work again in the non-jQuery version.
- Added change to a re-use issue reported with jQuery Mobile.
- Again, if you experience any event related issues / things not firing please revert back to v1.0.13 and report the issue.
What is new in version 1.0.14:
- "Double tap" to zoom and pan around an image now working in IE9.
- Major rewrite of how events are handled internally.
What is new in version 1.0.12:
- Fixed issues with Chrome 12.
- Added the following new events "onCaptionEndToolbarShow" and "onCaptionEndToolbarHide".
- Fixed issue with position of caption when placed at the bottom.
- Events now pass target value (should always equal the current instance of PhotoSwipe).
- Added new "using-meta-data.html" example.
- Updated to jQuery Animate Enhanced v0.75.
What is new in version 1.0.11:
- Panning speed with zoomed images now runs at correct speed.
- Added maximum and minimum user zoom settings.
- Should now play nicely if including MooTools.
- JavaScript enabled on client side