It adds extra features in HTML tables for supporting native Excel-like functionality.
Demos are included with the download package.
What is new in this release:
- Major changes:
- Changed behaviour of keyboard navigation inside a cell editor - now pressing the UP / DOWN / LEFT / RIGHT arrows doesn't close the editor. Every keyboard navigation taking place inside the editor stays within the editor.
- Changes:
- Fixed problem with using Handsontable with require.js
- Added some performance tweaks
- Added support for numeric numbers without the leading zero (e.g. ".5")
- Fixed problem with copying/pasting content containing checkbox cells
- Added a demo for the cell's disabled property
- Fixed problem with datepicker not allowing to change the date in some specific situations
- Fixed errors being thrown on Firefox
- Fixed problems with rapid copy/paste
- Fixed test cases for Firefox
What is new in version 0.15.1:
- Major changes:
- Changed behaviour of keyboard navigation inside a cell editor - now pressing the UP / DOWN / LEFT / RIGHT arrows doesn't close the editor. Every keyboard navigation taking place inside the editor stays within the editor.
- Changes:
- Fixed problem with using Handsontable with require.js
- Added some performance tweaks
- Added support for numeric numbers without the leading zero (e.g. ".5")
- Fixed problem with copying/pasting content containing checkbox cells
- Added a demo for the cell's disabled property
- Fixed problem with datepicker not allowing to change the date in some specific situations
- Fixed errors being thrown on Firefox
- Fixed problems with rapid copy/paste
- Fixed test cases for Firefox
What is new in version 0.14.1 / 0.15.0-beta2:
- Fixed schema in DataMap not supporting nested data source (hot-table related issue).
- Fixed not being able to copy nested table using the autofill functionality (hot-table related issue).
- Fixed problem with web component inputs losing focus after pressing the Ctrl key (hot-table related issue).
- Fixed context menu not working on nested tables (hot-table related issue).
- Fixed problem with errors being thrown after shift-clicking the table with no cells previously selected.
- Cell's background color is not being changed while editing.
- Removed jQuery method leftovers from the select editor.
What is new in version 0.14.1:
- Fixed schema in DataMap not supporting nested data source (hot-table related issue).
- Fixed not being able to copy nested table using the autofill functionality (hot-table related issue).
- Fixed problem with web component inputs losing focus after pressing the Ctrl key (hot-table related issue).
- Fixed context menu not working on nested tables (hot-table related issue).
- Fixed problem with errors being thrown after shift-clicking the table with no cells previously selected.
- Cell's background color is not being changed while editing.
- Removed jQuery method leftovers from the select editor.
What is new in version 0.12.6:
- Removed jQuery dependencies. Although using Handsontable as a jQuery plugin is still supported, the recommended method is creating a Handsontable object. See the updated demos as well as the jQuery demo for referrence.
- Also, we changed the repo name and /dist filenames from jquery.handsontable to handsontable - be sure to rename all Handsontable references in your environment after updating.
- Changed the row rendering algorithm. Now it's possible to specify how many rows need to be rendered before and after the viewport (see the viewportRowRenderingOffset config item). WalkontableRowStrategy class changed to WalkontableViewportCalculator, viewportRowCalculatorOverride hook added.
What is new in version 0.11.2:
- Enhanced descriptions on Autocomplete and HOT-in-HOT demo pages
- Removed animation of htInvalid class red background color (used for cells that don't validate)
- Text editor now uses the same font as table cell
What is new in version 0.10.4:
- Fixed computing row height in IE8.
- AutocompleteRenderer will now work on tables, which were destroyed and reinitialized.
- propToCol() will now properly translate data property to column index, when column data parameter is a function.
- Multiple fixes for AutocompleteEditor.
What is new in version 0.10.1:
- Fixed:
- Handling copyPaste plugin, when no cell is selected
- Invoking cell renderers by autoColumnSize plugin
- WeakMap shim for IE8
- Removing rows from a sorted table
What is new in version 0.10.0-beta3:
- Fixed issues with native scrolling. Now it is usable in windows Chrome and Firefox.
- Renamed Web Components custom elements to <handsontable-table>, <handsontable-column>.
What is new in version 0.9.11:
- Focus lost after Ctrl+(A or Z or Y).
What is new in version 0.9.10:
- New option: persistentState.
- Settings of manualColumnMove, manualColumnResize and columnSorting can be restored on page load using localStorage.
What is new in version 0.9.6:
- Delete row extension does not show the button when grid is inside a <table>.
- Drag-down not working if Handsontable is inside a table - this makes me realize how many people still use tables to create a layout.
- Numeric cell renderer did not add class name htDimmed to a read only cell.
What is new in version 0.9.5:
- Added cell validators.
What is new in version 0.9.4:
- Native Scrollbar was listening to window scroll also after table was removed from DOM.
- Numeric cell type now correctly formats negative values and strings with dot character.
- Fix for returning false on beforeChange callback has no effect.
What is new in version 0.8.20:
- Source parameter should be edit when cell value is changed through editor
- getRowHeaders returns NaN when no argument given - should return array of all row headers
- getColHeaders returns NaN when no argument given - should return array of all column headers
- Selected area class name was not applied on scrolling (tdCache was not bound to instance)
What is new in version 0.8.16:
- Handsontable in Handsontable editor.
- Performance and code quality fixes.
What is new in version 0.8.13:
- This release adds a min-width: 600px to the test suite to make sure that 100% of current tests are passing in Travis CI (PhantomJS) as well as in the desktop browsers.
What is new in version 0.8.9:
- Date cell type. Updated pages Date and Cell types.
- Refactored the text, autocomplete and date cell editors to share as much code as possible.
What is new in version 0.8.8:
- Finish editing should move the focus away from textarea to table cell.
What is new in version 0.8.6:
- Numeric cell type. Updated pages Numeric and Column sorting.
- autoColumnSize feature is now aware of renderer functions (before this, cells rendered with autocomplete and numeric renderer were too narrow).
What is new in version 0.8.5:
- Bug fix:
- Clears currentRowClassName and currentColumnClassName when refreshing selections.
What is new in version 0.8.3:
- Compatibility: automatic column size is asserted true when colWidths option is not provided.
- Applies automatic column size when double clicked on manual resize handle.
- Scroll example page describes difference between available column stretching modes (all, last [default], none).
- Manual column move.
- JavaScript enabled on client side
- jQuery