Welcome to baseball's good ol' days in a game that's designed to appeal to the old timers as well as new baseball fans. This title features not only Aaron and Ruth, but also Mays, Cobb, Robinson, and other Hall of Famers. The legends display their...
超級足球經理是一個足球(足球)管理遊戲。嘗試是在全國聯賽和國際比賽,如歐洲冠軍聯賽歐洲,南美解放者杯,洲際盃教練......遊戲中有使用到的功能信息顯示一個有吸引力的用戶界面友好。有超過350真正的球隊和6000多名真實球員在比賽中。所有的球隊都與真正的標識,敢死隊和stadiuns 要求: 在Windows 95/98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP < STRONG>限制:...