
isMobile 0.3.9 更新

isMobile can be used in production environment to perform logical queries and detect selected user groups and then take some custom actions, based on the device or medium they're viewing the site from. isMobile can detect anything from smartphones to...


node-googl 0.1.4 更新

節點GOOGL 是一種功能強大,但非常小的庫來處理普通Goo.gl操作。它可以通過編程可以用作任何其他圖書館也可以從Node.js的“CLI工作,否則。這將需要一個API密鑰的工作和圖書館,可用於普通的鏈接賣空操作。該庫可以從長鏈接區分和縮短的鏈接,並會採取適當的措施,當一個網址給它 是什麼在此版本中是新的: 各種更新。 什麼在0.1.3版本新: 在各種更新 什麼在0.0.2版本新: 在更新的README文件 要求: ...


node-imgur 0.1.7 更新

The node-imgur library can be used in a variety of ways.It can upload one single image at a time. It can upload all the images inside a given directory. Or it can upload all .png files inside the current working directory.Once done, node-imgur dumps the...


go-googl 1.0
