By default, loading JavaScript files is done one file at a time, using a classic load queue mechanism.
$script.js allows developers to query and load JS scripts and resources from any location, while also loading dependencies at the same time, in the...
bootstrap-ajax basically adds declarative AJAX support for Twitter's famous Bootstrap frontend UI framework.
This speeds up interactive actions and reduces code development time by reusing code as much as possible.
Optional support for spinners...
在'無極'一詞在JavaScript中被創造出來與服務器端JavaScript開發的出現。它基本上代表一個任務,其可以或可以不具有尚未完成的結果。或者更簡單的話來說,期待一個JS調用什麼。承諾/ A +僅僅是一個開放的標準,詳細說明如何處理的承諾。誓言圖書館只需港口大部分的原則為JavaScript,alllowing開發人員使用它的客戶端(瀏覽器)和服務器端(Node.js的)環境。 什麼是新的本新聞稿中: ...