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為舞台經理和音響工程師創造專業,準確,易於閱讀的舞台圖。保持您的舞台佈局,輸入列表和監視器混合在一個頁面上打印或電子郵件作為JPEG。最後,專門為專業人士創造階段圖的應用程序。導出到PDF。能夠擴展舞台和輸入列表。能夠在舞台上繪製和填充形狀。立管。桁架。窗簾 -...
AnyMP4 FLAC轉換器不僅可以轉換FLAC到任何其他音頻格式如MP3,AIFF,WAV,ALAC,AAC,M4A,而且轉換FLV,SWF,F4V一些流行的視頻格式,如MP4,MOV,M4V, AVI等,並提取這些視頻音頻文件。此外,該軟件是一個像iPhone 6S / 6S此外,iPhone 6/6此外,iPad的親,iPod的,Galaxy S6和谷歌Nexus 7。大多數便攜式設備兼容 主要特點:1 AnyMP4...
With all the devices and formats flying around nowadays, having a trusted tool to help you make your movies and clips compatible with the Apple devices you are using is crucial. Apple Video Turbo Converter is the perfect tool for that - a cutting-edge...