GIRDAC PowerPoint到Flash轉換器是用於轉換Microsoft PowerPoint演示文稿到Macromedia Flash文件的企業應用程序。它允許設置flash文件質量,幀速率,以及背景顏色。它支持七種可視化界面:Office 2000中,Office 2002中,Office...

4Videosoft的視頻轉換器,迅速和便捷的視頻轉換軟件,是能夠轉換幾乎所有的視頻文件到任何流行的視頻格式,包括MP4的,MPEG,MOV,M4V,AVI,FLV,WMV,F4V,SWF,VOB, MKV,MXF,3GP,100%原廠品質。此外,你可以得到高清MP4,高清MOV,AVI高清,高清FLV,WMV HD,HD MPG從源視頻文件。 ...

Convert Image

Convert Image 4.572 更新

Convert Image is a graphic file converter for JPG, GIF, TIF, BMP, EMF, PNG, PCX, TGA, WMF, RAS, and J2K. Automate your conversions with the built in scheduler, or the command line interface. A COM/ActiveX interface is also available for programmers. In...

Convert Doc

Convert Doc 9.712 更新

'Convert Doc' is a simple to use, yet sophisticated document conversion utility. If you need to convert/manipulate thousands of files with a variety of file types located within many folders in a short period of time, this is the tool. 'Convert Doc' can...

Convert XLS

Convert XLS 8.542 更新

Convert XLS is an Excel, CSV, XML, and text file conversion or manipulation utility (Excel not required for conversions). Convert XLS comes with numerous specialized processes including: Copy specific sheet data from one worksheet to another within the...

Convert PDF to Image

Convert PDF to Image 4.582 更新

Convert PDF to Image is a simple to use, yet sophisticated file conversion utility specifically designed to convert PDF into image files (TIF, JPG, BMP, GIF). If you need to convert one or thousands of files, located in one or many different folders, into...

Convert PowerPoint

Convert PowerPoint 8.062 更新

Convert PowerPoint is a PowerPoint conversion utility. Convert PowerPoint files to DOC, RTF, TXT, HTM, JPG, GIF, BMP, TIF, PNG, EMF, and WMF. If you need to convert thousands of files with a variety of file types located within many folders in a short...

CSE HTML Validator Pro

CSE HTML Validator Pro 17.04 更新

CSE HTML Validator是一個快速,強大,高度用戶可配置和易於使用的專業Web開發工具,可以檢查HTML(包括HTML5和AMP),CSS(包括CSS3),SEO,PHP,XHTML,JavaScript,可訪問性,鏈接和更多。 CSE HTML驗證器可幫助您通過其SEO功能獲得更好的搜索引擎排名。它可以使用漂亮打印和修復工具自動修復一些HTML和XHTML問題。它可以幫助您找到並修復許多問題,以便您的網頁更有可能在各種網絡瀏覽器(包括移動瀏覽器)中正確顯示。此外,CSE HTML...
