
Filemanager 2.3.0 更新

Filemanager is a programming language agnostic component. It was written on top of jQuery, allowing it to work with any backend technology, regardless of programming language. Filemanager comes packaged with a plethora of connectors...


geostats 1.5.0 更新

geostats can be used to analyze numerical data, classify it and use it for basic statistical operations. The library can tell if a number is inside a certain interval, is unique in its series, supports the Jenks optimization method and can handle...

類使用wget和SED命令行工具來分析一個網站的結構和生成網站地圖文件。基於域名簡單的PHP類地圖作品,因此它可以被用來生成網站地圖文件,而不僅僅是一個在其上運行。這意味著類可以用來驅動一個站點地圖生成服務和網絡託管了,每個人都幫助改善他們的搜索引擎通過創建和下載他們的網站地圖文件。樣本站點地圖生成器是包含在類的下載包 限制: ...