數學計劃,旨在為中學學生(12-14歲)這個標題包括完成了演習涵蓋每一個主題進行完整的課程,共17章。這次演習是修正步驟,通過使用Evalutel教學方法,對調和在學校失敗和最有才華的學生的價值增殖的鬥爭的一步。其中涉及的主題:負整數簡介軸上,除了和全數字的符號規則的證據,對部分業務,質數LCM“和GCD”的乘法,設置和求解線性方程組的一個變量 什麼是此版本的新: 新課程,練習和功能的加入 限制:...
- 主頁
- Evalutel
epson11424.exe 26 Oct 15
pn11 driver.zip 29 Oct 15
Puzzle Express 18 Feb 15
Alive Business Organizer 25 Oct 15
Algebra 3: Analysis, vectors, trigonometry 26 May 15
Algebra 1 : Basic Operations On Whole and Rational Numbers 26 May 15
Optics 2: Reflection, refraction, rainbows, mirrors, prisms, lenses 26 May 15
Geometry 1: Symmetries, Thales, Pythagoras, Figures 26 May 15
Mechanics 3 : Kinematics and dynamics, gravitation, satellites, electric and magnetic fields 26 May 15
Optics 1: light, waves, photons, planets, vision 26 May 15
Algebra 2 : Developments and Applications 26 May 15
免費 軟件 為 Evalutel
epson11424.exe 26 Oct 15
pn11 driver.zip 29 Oct 15
Puzzle Express 18 Feb 15
Alive Business Organizer 25 Oct 15
Algebra 3: Analysis, vectors, trigonometry 26 May 15
Geometry 1: Symmetries, Thales, Pythagoras, Figures 26 May 15
Optics 2: Reflection, refraction, rainbows, mirrors, prisms, lenses 26 May 15
Algebra 1 : Basic Operations On Whole and Rational Numbers 26 May 15
Optics 1: light, waves, photons, planets, vision 26 May 15
Mechanics 3 : Kinematics and dynamics, gravitation, satellites, electric and magnetic fields 26 May 15
Algebra 2 : Developments and Applications 26 May 15