必須有 更多的開發工具腳本 為 Arto Bendiken
This mainly includes RDF::Graph, RDF::Repository, query results, and more.What is new in this release:Fixed a bug where subgraphs would incorrectly identify as isomorphic with
a supergraph if no blank nodes were involved with either.
What is new in...
推薦的創業板的安裝方法是通過RubyGems的做 要求: 在RDF.rb 0.1.0或較高在JSON...
推薦的安裝方法是通過RubyGems的做 要求: 在RDF.rb 0.0.9或更高版本在JSON...
It is a RSpec extension for RDF.rb.Requirements:RDF.rb 0.1.8 or higher
RSpec 1.3.0 or...
This is a XML-based RDF serialization format developed under Nokia and HP...
Because its based on the autoloading feature in Ruby, it means that the developer can generally make use of any one part of the library without needing to load up the rest.Features: 100% pure Ruby with minimal dependencies and no bloat.
100% free and...