
wllb11en.exe 1997-03-14

This package supports the following driver models:Intel 82557B-based Ethernet PCI Adapter (10/100) Intel 82557C-based Ethernet PCI (10/100) Intel EtherExpress PRO/100B PCI Ethernet Adapter (TX) Intel EtherExpress PRO/100B PCI Ethernet Adapter...


1890w95c&i.zip 1997-03-18

該軟件包支持以下驅動器型號: 在HSP 288-DELUXE MODEM HSP 288-DELUXE PNP MODEM 要求: 的Windows NT 4 SP 6 的Windows 2003 SP 1 視窗XP AMD的64位 Windows XP的64位SP 1 的Windows NT 4 SP 2 的Windows 2000 SP 1 視窗2003 64位 Windows 2003的AMD 64位 Windows XP的64位SP 2 的Windows NT 4...

SiS 5596

SiS 5596 4.0.1381.1

該軟件包支持以下驅動器型號: 矽統5596 要求: 的Windows NT 4 SP 6 的Windows 2003 SP 1 視窗XP AMD的64位 Windows XP的64位SP 1 的Windows NT 4 SP 2 的Windows 2000 SP 1 視窗2003 64位 Windows 2003的AMD 64位 Windows XP的64位SP 2 的Windows NT 4 SP 3 Windows 2000的SP 2 的Windows Server...


This compressed, self-extracting file will update a Zappa motherboard to the 1.00.11.BS0T level. Do not use this on a motherboard whose system BIOS ends with any other code than .BS0T. When the file has been uncompressed, simply copy to a bootable floppy...


Clearnvs.exe旨在幫助中的故障排除和相關的桌面486和Pentium系統“塞問題的解決和播放BIOS區域的實用程序。該實用程序尚未經過測試與網關2000便攜式系統。它的目的是為使用網關2000 486(P4D),奔騰(P5),和奔騰具有即插即用的BIOS臨(G6)的桌面系統 要求: Windows 3.X的/...


3c562n.exe 1997-03-19

點擊驅動程序包自述資訊以下鏈接:... / HELP /的Readme.txt該軟件包支持以下驅動器型號: 在3Com公司(3C562D-3C563D)EL III LAN + 336調製解調器PC卡 在3Com公司(3C562)的Etherlink III LAN + 288調製解調器PC卡 在3Com公司(3C562B-3C563B)的Etherlink III LAN + 288調製解調器PC卡 在3Com公司(3C562B-3C563B MNP10)的Etherlink III LAN +...


32r3331.exe 1997-03-19

Click on the following links for the driver package readme info:.../extract/Readme.txt This package supports the following driver models:Voice Modem Serial Wave Device MP32 33.6K DATA+FAX+VOICE Modem Magic MP32 3D Audio System CODEC R3.3-D7 Magic MP32...


3c563x.exe 1997-03-19

Click on the following links for the driver package readme info:.../HELP/Readme.txt This package supports the following driver models:3Com (3C562D-3C563D) EL III LAN+336 Modem PC Card 3Com (3C562) EtherLink III LAN+288 Modem PC Card 3Com (3C562B-3C563B)...


w95_2301.exe 1997-03-19

Click on the following links for the driver package readme info:.../extract/Readme.txt This package supports the following driver models:Avance Logic 2201 Avance Logic 2228/2229 VLB Avance Logic 2301 PCI Requirements:Windows NT 4 SP 6Windows 2003 SP...
