
Nymph 1.4.3 更新

Nymph uses its own query language called BTSQL (Better Than SQL) which allows developers to easily run complex queries but without having to write too many lines of code. While this is a promising factor to make you take a look at Nymph, keep in mind that...


analytics-node 2.0.0 更新

analytics-node provides a service-agnostic tool for loading multiple analytics accounts in any Node.js powered Web page or application. The library reduces code overhead and allows including all of the desired services via simple lines of code. This...

Flexible Grid System

Flexible Grid System 5.5.1 更新

Flexible Grid System (or just flexible.gs) is a relatively new grid system on the Web tools market that has gained a lot of attention and followers thanks to a well design product.To plot out a responsive grid, flexible.gs uses a combination of CSS...


Kickoff 6.0.0 更新

開球正適合你使用的UI框架開發的網站今天的走勢。開球寫,以減少開發時間,通過提供大量的幫手和混入的建設基本頁面佈局和頁面組件。該框架允許開發者使用組裝預建代碼的網站和他們的接口,組建只需要為您的項目的功能。寫在SCSS ,你可以編譯開球CSS,只要你想使用它,而無需在項目中有一個Ruby的依賴關係。例如組件和文檔的大量包含在框架,擁有自己的風格指南一起順利過渡設計成開球自己的編碼和視覺形象。 什麼是新的在此版本中: ...


BrowserSync 2.9.11 更新

BrowserSync is an ideal tool for testing and previewing websites on various devices. BrowserSync works by registering clients to an application and constantly reloading that application on all registered users with the newest available version. This way...


Ophal 0.1-beta3 更新

在Lua實施,Ophal允許開發人員創建的,這不是針對使用Web編程語言的網站,但交易會比大多數網絡第一技術更好。 < p> 本發行版是新的: 主題化/前端的改進:添加uuid.js V0.1默認UUID庫添加jssha256 V0.1默認SHA256和HMAC-SHA256庫添加json2.js...

Apache Gora

Apache Gora 0.6.1 更新

Apache Gora aims at providing a common ground on which developers can create tools that can handle large quantities of information, regardless of their underlying storage unit. Gora is written in Java and was created as an alternative to other Java ORMs...

Zend Framework

Zend Framework 2.5.3 更新

Zend框架可讓開發人員通過先進的模型 - 視圖 - 控制器(MVC)的實施構建複雜的PHP應用程序。 該框架可被用於建立一基本結構為PHP&NBSP;應用程序,然後通過模塊化庫展開它。 ...


Groovy 2.4.3 更新

它的許多功能是通過像Python,Smalltalk和Ruby的語言啟發,使他們能夠使用Java的語法開發商提供。Groovy的可用於開發Web應用程序,編寫shell腳本,編寫簡練,意味深長,測試案例使用Groovy的JUnit集成,或原型,生產真正的工業強度的應用程序。常規清潔工作與所有現有的Java對象和庫和編譯直接在任何應用程序開發或腳本模式的Java字節碼 什麼是此版本的新: < P> 新功能:擴展@Builder...