免費 開發工具腳本 為 Vladimir Kharlampidi
Desgined特別是對於移動設備的刷卡是在同一時間內容傳送帶一個開源的幻燈片工具,用於創建好看,但複雜的。要旋轉幻燈片,只要抓住並且在方向拖動幻燈片畫布上。水平和垂直方向的支持(即使不是在同一時間)。 本發行版是新的 一個演示包括在下載包: 。新的API參數" swipeToNext"," swipeToPrev"啟用/禁用單向刷卡"...
Template7 was specifically created for usage in mobile applications, being very lightweight and providing better speeds and results than Handlebars, the template engine it was modeled after.
The syntax is similar between the two, Template7 (or just T7)...
Framework7, also known as F7, is actually a collection of methods and widgets that can easily and quickly be put together to allow developers to create a simple app for iOS7 devices.
The app runs on JavaScript and HTML 5, instead of the native Objective-C...