Microsoft發布了一個補丁程序,用於消除Microsoft Internet信息服務的一個安全漏洞。 IIS 5.0包含影響URL處理,如果它有一個特定的結構和它的長度在一個很窄的範圍內的值的方式存在缺陷。 要求: 的Windows...
Platform Software Development Kit Redistributable: Microsoft Layer for Unicode on Windows 95/98/Me Systems, 1.1.3790.0 21 Sep 15
Update for the IDirectPlay4 API of Microsoft for DirectX 8.2 (DirectPlay) (KB839643) 21 Sep 15
Office 2003: Microsoft Office Document Imaging Visual Basic Reference (MODI) 21 Sep 15
Visual FoxPro 6.0 Setup Wizard 21 Sep 15
PlayReady PC Runtime v1.3 (x64) 7 May 15
Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Service Pack 1 21 Sep 15
Microsoft ActiveX Control Pad 23 Sep 15
必須有 開發者工具 為 Microsoft
Office 2003: Microsoft Office Document Imaging Visual Basic Reference (MODI) 21 Sep 15
Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch 2011 7 May 15
Security Update for PowerPoint 2002 (KB905758) 21 Sep 15
CLR Profiler for the .NET Framework 21 Sep 15
Microsoft Silverlight 4 SDK 28 May 15
Sample: Metaacl.exe Modifying Metabase Permissions for the IIS Admin Objects 21 Sep 15
Microsoft Access 2010 Runtime (64-bit) 28 May 15