頂部 商務及辦公軟件 為 Windows Vista
The Portfolio Optimization template identifies the optimal capital weightings for a portfolio of financial investments that gives the highest return for the lowest risk based on the return risk profile and correlation between individual investments. The...
The Excel Portfolio Performance Monitoring template enables the ongoing monitoring and periodic valuation of a portfolio of financial investments. The model enables the entering of investment transactions during a reporting period to calculate...
The Project Management template for Excel is designed as a generic Excel based solution to plan and manage projects. The ability to build the project budget as tasks are identified assists with the requirements for business case project proposals,...
The Real Option Valuation template combines a set of option pricing tools to quantify the embedded strategic value for a range of financial analysis and investment scenarios. Traditional discounted cash flow investment analysis will only accept an...
The Excel invoice template is a complete customer invoicing system with the ability to store invoices, products and customers as well as monitor inventory levels and perform advanced invoice sales reporting. The architecture of the Excel invoice template...
Kontrollur帶來的是華爾街的力量進入你的家。我們不能更興奮地告訴你吧。 Kontrollur是一個複雜和強大的一塊桌面軟件的運行旁邊的Meta交易4...