芯片組: - AMD A78 CPU支持: - AMD A10處理器  - AMD A8處理器  - AMD A6處理器  - AMD A4處理器  - AMD E2處理器  - AMD速龍II X4處理器  - 最大CPU TDP(熱設計功耗):100Watt MEMORY: - 支持雙通道DDR3 2600(OC)/ 2400(OC)/1866分之2133/1333分之1600/八百分之一千零六十六兆赫  - 2×DDR3 DIMM內存插槽  -...


此實用程序更新BIOS以版本R0240Z8來解決,其中一個陰影暗點可能會出現在液晶screen.WARNING的問題!!: - 如果正在使用微軟的BitLocker安全功能,在安裝之前先關閉此更新。 BitLocker功能可以接通後,更新完成。如果更新的BitLocker功能的BIOS開啟,BitLocker恢復密碼才能啟動系統。 -...


Fixes: - Added BIOS options on the Secondary Power Settings page to enable or disable Wake from S3 - Fixed issue where system with Linux Ubuntu cannot resume from sleep. - Fixed issue where USB 3.0 devices are not recognized at boot. - Added xHCI Mode...


Fixes: - Added BIOS options on the Secondary Power Settings page to enable or disable Wake from S3 - Fixed issue where system with Linux Ubuntu cannot resume from sleep. - Fixed issue where USB 3.0 devices are not recognized at boot. - Added xHCI Mode...


Fixes: - Added BIOS options on the Secondary Power Settings page to enable or disable Wake from S3 - Fixed issue where system with Linux Ubuntu cannot resume from sleep. - Fixed issue where USB 3.0 devices are not recognized at boot. - Added xHCI Mode...


New Fixes/Features: - Added BIOS security enhancements. - Fixed issue where BIOS password prompts are not suppressed in Config Mode. - Fixed issue with Power LED not blinking when the Thermal Trip warning is generated. - Fixed issue where USB mouse...


修復: - 添加了BIOS安全性增強功能。 版本: - ME固件:​​556  - 集成顯卡選項ROM:構建2158 PC 14.34  - LAN選項ROM:v1404 PXE 2.1 Build 091  - EFI驅動程序(GOP):3.0.1023  - Visual BIOS:1.2.15要選擇的文件: - 恢復BIOS更新[RK0041.BIO] - 用於F7...


Fixes: - Added BIOS security enhancements. Versions: - ME Firmware: - Integrated Graphics Option ROM: Build 2158 PC 14.34 - LAN Option ROM: v1404 PXE 2.1 Build 091 - EFI driver (GOP): 3.0.1023 - Visual BIOS: 1.2.15Which file to choose: -...
