Apache Oltu

Apache Oltu 1.0.1 更新

OAuth is an open protocol that allows users to share their private resources (e.g. photos, videos, contact lists) stored on one site with another site without having to hand out their username and password. Apache Oltu simply ports various features of...

Apache Sentry

Apache Sentry 1.6.0 更新

Apache的哨兵提高了數據和元數據存儲在一個的Apache Hadoop的數據庫的整體安全性。這使得開發人員,以確保他們的數據庫免受未經授權的訪問和使用替代性的安全系統,以常規的HTTP安全措施。哨兵是不是一個成熟的Hadoop的防火牆,但它肯定是接近它。出所有的Hadoop堆棧,只Apache的配置單元是目前支持 什麼是此版本的新: ...