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Wed June 05, 2024
(WFSB Connecticut)
♫ Once I went to Wal*Mart and it was a gas Soon turned out had a flare gun full of glass Seemed like the real thing, only to find Mucho mistrust, bars I've gone behind ♫
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(WJLA Washington DC)
New development in the case of the man who was hiat by a train then someone stole his leg and waved it around while eating it. A story like this, much like the man's leg, is quite rare
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Upon further review, Jon did not drink dog semen in a 1990's Garfield strip
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(Psychology Today)
We all know free will doesn't exist, so why pretend? Pre-determined responses to my question to the right
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Today's 2-hr serving of '80s alt/post-punk/new wave music includes cuts from Kate Bush, Altered Images, Echo & The Bunnymen and Joy Division. Hear what commercial radio doesn't sound like on pastFORWARD #610. Starts @ 1:00PM ET, LGT streaming options
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(The Sun (Ireland))
American activist Amanda Knox convicted of slander: Electric Boogaloo
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(KTLA Los Angeles)
There is not, never was, nor will there ever be such a thing as a free lunch
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(Law and Crime)
Escaped prisoner can't figure out how cops recognized him
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Treebeard takes home the gold
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(Reason Magazine)
Hunter Biden prosecution is making MAGA Second Amendment absolutists head aspload
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Fat Joe wants hospital price transparency. And I know what you're thinking here, but that's not some new, stupid nickname for Joe Biden. He's literally some rapper named Fat Joe who NPR decided to write an article about
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(8 News Now)
Naked Las Vegas woman shoots man with his gun seemingly unprovoked, twice. No word if he had to pay extra
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(CBS News) come the snakehead fish
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(Eastern Daily Press (UK))
Man caught on CCTV defecating for 40 minutes outside shop in Diss. Diss is not good
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(The Daily Beast)
Blanche said he lost eight pounds during convicted felon Trump's 7 week criminal trial by following this simple rule: skipping Trump's McDonald's lunch
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TikTok influencer hires day laborers to go to Disney Land. Bonus: this might be the first article about a Tik Tok influencer you won't regret reading
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Photoshop this home with a wonky brick facade
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(KTRE Lufkin)
Senior pup, Clyde was surrendered by his loving family because he needed medications that were beyond their means. In response to this his new owner opened Clyde's Corner, a pet pantry to help keep pets and their families together. Welcome to Woofday Wetnose Wednesday
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Influx of Chuck bucks sucks
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Power outages impact America's ability to eat
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Day 833 of WW3: Ukraine peace summit opens door to talks with Russia. Kremlin denies Olympic disinformation campaign. Russia could attack NATO in three years, Norway warns. Mother/supporters visit Navalny grave. It's your Wednesday Ukraine war thread
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Homeless advocates, Mr Peanut denounced the act as barbaric
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Today's CyberTruck deficiency is....laggy steering
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(AP News)
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(Daily Mail)
Thief stole £20,000 worth of cell phones in an hour. Took him that long to nab 3 iPhones?
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(AP News)
World's most valuable cow is big, watched over by security cameras, and white of course
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(ABC7 Los Angeles)
The drugs aren't coming from the border, they're all coming from LAX
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(WAVY Virginia)
Guy who lost his heirloom wedding ring on one of Virginia's busiest beaches has bro-in-law post on the right Reddit group read by local Metal Detecting-Good Samaritan, needle-haystack ensues
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The Martin County Sheriff's Office would like to remind criminals using their new drive-in arrest program to wear pants
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(CBS News)
Abandon all hope, ye who enter New York
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Tue June 04, 2024
(AP News)
Good News:If you lost your dumb bell in Louisiana, it has been found. Bad News: It was padlocked to a human skull
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News: British red gets dethroned by Irish green. Fark: Traffic lights. Ultrafark: In Syracuse, NY
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Former owner of a "fake" Degas painting in disgust to discover it was actually authentic. Oop$
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(Atlanta Black Star)
Florida teens reenact Fast & Furious to save passed-out man in sinking car. Vin Diesel would be proud
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(FB Photos)
Photoshop this "To Go" order
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(Straits Times)
Egyptian man who survived shipwreck denies causing Greece boat disaster. Oh, well, I guess that settles it then
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Chang'e 6 released a tiny rover to photograph the lander. It has also launched collected lunar samples where they will rendezvous with a robotic version of Michael Collins before returning home to China
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(1011 Now Lincoln)
Woman found alive after being found dead is found dead again
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(Everett Herald)
Cause of plane crash at Harvey Airfield not yet determined, although authorities suspect an invisible six foot 3 1/2 inch-tall rabbit
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Man who farked around with his Hellcat in Seattle has hiat his first FO speed bump
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(CBS News)
"10 past the hour, KQOP radio. Be caller 10 with the word of the day to win, hint-word that pays rhymes with smsmorshun"
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(KIRO-7 Seattle)
♪ We gonna rock down to Electric Avenue / And then the bridge will collapse ♪
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(Local10 WPLG)
Apple tags FTW
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"What are you in for?" "I pointed a laser pointer at some endangered birds"
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(European Space Agency)
Photoshop this intergalactic web
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(Al Jazeera)
China denies fueling Russia-Ukraine war tensions, says it supports peace. Oh, well, I guess that settles it then
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"Do not let your friends urinate on you." YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO
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Today in viral news that is spreading quickly: Gonorrhea cases reach record high in England
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(History Channel)
On this day in history, in 1944, the Nazi submarine U-505 was captured, after prior attempts to capture the U-404 failed when it could not be found
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(Al Jazeera)
Russia denies being involved in Eiffel Tower coffin stunt. Oh, well, I guess that settles it then
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