
Datepicker 0.3.1 更新

在日期選擇器 jQuery插件可以顯示哪些用戶可以利用選擇日,月,和他們選擇的一年,把它傳遞給應用程序/服務/網站一種特殊的小部件。 組件被顯示在一個彈出窗口,並且可以附加到其需要在一個日期和時間具體的格式輸入的數據的任何輸入字段多種日期格式的支持,為國際化(不同的語言)的支持一起。在“日期選擇器”插件還可以輸入選擇僅限於期望的時期,可以通過CSS很容易病急亂投醫,並且可以開始根據目標用戶群在星期一或星期日的一周。安裝說明都包含在“日期選擇器”包 本發行版是新的: ...


Zebra_Datepicker 1.9.3 更新

Zebra_Datepicker是市場上最完整的基於jQuery的日期選擇器之一,提供了一套強大的功能,你不經常在開源解決方案見。 Zebra_Datepicker容易部署和配置,並為用戶提供全面的界面來選擇他所希望的日期。此外日期,時間段,也可以通過連接兩個日期選擇器一起選擇的Zebra_Datepicker UI部件可以嵌入作為嵌入日曆,或用作彈出元件演示和使用說明都包含在下載包。檢查出來,看的所有主要功能的演示 本發行版是新的: ...


Ion.RangeSlider 2.1.2 更新

Ion.RangeSlider 創建UI滑塊,用戶可以採取的保持,然後拖動到左側或右側與他的鼠標。離子範圍滑塊支持雙手柄滑塊在同一頁,消極和小數的選擇範圍,多個滑塊。它也支持換膚,這意味著它可以無縫地融入任何網站設計,並與自定義標籤滑點。該點數也可以用前綴和後綴進行裝飾,大量也是美化和減少大小。禁用狀態,並通過HTML5數據配置屬性也支持Ion.RangeSlider,與日期和時間值的支持一起。 什麼是新的在此版本: 修正了破起始和結束 什麼是新的在2.0.6版本: 新API...


jquery.timepicker 1.8.1 更新

The jquery.timepicker plugin can be used to create specialized widgets for entering time values inside a form field. The entire plugin's concept was inspired by Google Calendar. A demo is included with the jquery.timepicker download package. This...


toastr 2.1.2 更新

toastr is a very versatile JavaScript-based user feedback system that can show a small notification message every time a user takes an action. Inside the notification message itself HTML content can be used, and the notification popup can be displayed in...

Evol ColorPicker

Evol ColorPicker 3.2.3 更新

Evol ColorPicker, also known as evol.colorpicker, is a true jQuery UI widget, supporting all the extra features that come with that, like cross-browser support and ThemeRoller jQuery UI themes. The color picker can easily be added to any project, working...

jQuery Panel Slider

jQuery Panel Slider 1.0.0 更新

jQuery Panel Slider works like the side panel on, pushing the page to the side to reveal a hidden section with extra content. The side panel can be shown either from the left or right side of the page, and it can be opened and closed using...


ngToast 1.5.6 更新

ngToast implements the "toast" UI pattern, a simplistic method for showing user feedback using temporary, floating messages. Also known as "growl" messages or just notifications, toast messages provide a simple way of letting the user known if his action...

Ember Table

Ember Table 0.9.2 更新

Besides just modifying table UI and adding extra controls, Ember Table also changes how tables handle the data itself. This extension was coded so it will lazy-load rows as they become visible on screen, fetching the data only when it's needed. This...

CSS Toggle Switches

CSS Toggle Switches 3.2.0 更新

The 'CSS Toggle Switches' script allows developers to create their own responsive, CSS only toggle buttons. The created toggle switches are Bootstrap and Foundation 3.x friendly, and have even been included with Foundation 4.x code as a base...