Flexbox Grid

Flexbox Grid 6.3.0 更新

The CSS Flexible Box Layout Module is an unofficial, still under development W3C specification created to support responsive layouts natively. With this new specification, developers will be able to build responsive layouts without the help of complex CSS...


Bourbon 4.2.6 更新

SASS, also known as SCSS, is a special syntax for writing optimized, enhanced CSS code. One of SASS' main features is its support for mixins, a way to automatically include large code blocks using SASS variables. Mixins are one of the reasons SASS is...


AdminLTE 2.3.2 更新

AdminLTE is nothing more than a collection of various UI widgets and components, all added on top of a Bootstrap installation, put together to cut down development time when working on backends & dashboards. While AdminLTE is quite large, you can easily...


Susy 2.2.7 更新

Compass is a stylesheet authoring framework that uses SASS to make stylesheets smaller and easier to write. Susy brings the hype of responsive grids to Compass, allowing developers to create self-adjusting layouts, based on the user's viewport...


Kube 5.0.0 更新

Kube is a modern frontend UI toolkit developed by the same team that built the Redactor WYSIWYG editor. Created with LESS and available in CSS as well, Kube allows developers to have a basic frame on which to build their future Web projects. The framework...

Titon Toolkit

Titon Toolkit 2.1.8 更新

The Titon Toolkit is ideal for developing the interface of responsive applications, allowing developers to create one single frontend that works on mobiles, tablets, and classic PCs. Developers can use Titon with any kind of backend technology they want,...


spaceBase 2.0.1 更新

spaceBase is not a fully-blown frontend framework like Bootstrap or Zurb's Foundation, but just a starter kit that provides only the basic tools you need to build your projects. It does not come with ready-made UI components but ships with all the...


Primer 2.5.0 更新

Primer is not a complete CSS framework since it only includes the basic styles and components used on the GitHub.com website. This means you'll probably miss widgets like date or color pickers, but if you want an introspective on how Silicon...

Zino UI

Zino UI 1.5 更新

季諾UI工程了jQuery JavaScript框架之上,建,以幫助開發人員創建現代化的,多功能的接口,其基於Web的應用程序。季諾UI實際上是UI組件(窗口小部件),程序員可以在工作中有選擇地使用,這取決於當前的/活動項目規範的集合。該框架適用於所有主要的瀏覽器,此外支持基於CSS的主題輕鬆定制。在此之上的所有部件都是WAI-ARIA訪問,快來很好的記錄,並提供內置的支持,為新的HTML 5標準。季諾UI具有雙重許可模式。 GPL許可證的有效期為非營利性項目,而對於盈利作品的商業必須購買許可證 ...

Metro UI CSS

Metro UI CSS 3.0.9 更新

在 Metro UI的CSS 框架是用在更短的和編譯為CSS。它配備了所有的公用設施需要控制頁面的佈局,以及一些額外的內置UI組件。這將有助於創造你想建立的任何Web應用程序,希望你想讓他們看起來像沒有區別的Windows 8風格。一個演示包括在下載包。該框架測試,並與IE9...