
Assetic 1.3.2 更新

Assetic is a very powerful solution for managing physical file assets inside PHP-driven applications or websites. Assetic's main role is to provide a tool to organize, minify, merge and deploy  existing resources. It includes numerous tools and...


modulejs 1.9.0 更新

modulejs is similar to RequireJS and was built on top of Underscore.js. This tool can be used as a way to organize a JS project's code into small modules, and then loading them using a module loader whenever needed. modulejs can be used with...


clinch 1.0.3 更新

AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) modules work mainly with CommonJS, an unofficial standard for server-side JavaScript. Most of the times, CommonJS-comliant code doesn't run properly inside the browser, being specially written for server-side JS...


node-plist 1.2.0 更新

Besides jut parsing, node-plist can also convert .plist files to JavaScript objects as well.The opposite operation (JavaScript object to .plist) is also supported.JavaScript objects should not be confused with JSON. JSON is not supported by...


JGroups 3.6.6.Final 更新

JGroups allows developers to create reliable multipoint (multicast) applications where reliability is a deployment issue, and does not have to be implemented by the application developer.This saves application developers significant amounts of time, and...


jsonparse 1.1.0 更新

Written in stand-alone JavaScript, this library can be used to parse streaming JSON data. It is extremely lightweight at under 400 lines of code. An examples is provided with the download package.What is new in this release:Now npm friendly. What is new...


Fabrication 2.14.1 更新

Fabrication supports DataMapper, ActiveRecord, Mongoid, Sequel, or normal Ruby objects. It provides a common interface for generating objects based on a preset config. Compatible with Cucumber and Rails 3.x.What is new in this release:Fix typo in rake...


Faye 1.1.2 更新

It provides message servers for Rack and Node.js. Client applications for use in Node.js, Ruby programs and in the browserare also available.What is new in this release:Specify ciphers for SSL on Node to mitigate the BEAST attack Mitigate...


ROO 2.1.1 更新

Only read-access is currently supported, an exception is the Google spreadsheet, where write access is permitted. Please note that the upper left cell of a table is numbered (1,1) or (1,‘A’) (not 0,0).What is new in this release:Fix: Excelx...

Apache Woden

Apache Woden 1.0M10

阿帕奇沃登被寫入官方W3C WSDL 2.0規範工作。 WSDL是基於XML,它提供一種方式來描述,並與網絡以及Web服務及其端點相互作用的標記語言沃登提供了Java API接口,用於本規範,一​​個簡單的類庫,可以讓開發人員使用WSDL的Web服務使用Java代碼交互。除了基本的CRUD功能,沃登還包括WSDL驗證引擎以及 是什麼在此版本中是新的: 系統新的驗證框架,簡化了新的斷言檢查的發展和貢獻已被添加。該框架將協助開發測試的WSDL...